Print Projects

Jessica C. Lamb Financial Advisor
Designer for Curioso Communication, their client Jessica C. Lamb

Task: Create new identity and business stationary.

Solution: Develop a new identity package for Jessica C. Lamb that represents her vibrant personality and conveyed stability and experience. The goal was to appeal women in business.

Designer for InnoVector Tech, their client NASA Glenn Tech Transfer

Task: Create internal engagement between Innovators and the Tech Transfer department to increase New Technology Report Submissions.  Improve Innovators attitude about Technology Transfer.

Solution: Develop products that created positive interaction with the innovators and the Tech Transfer Team. With a few simple ideas relationships were changed, Innovators wanted to work with the Technology Transfer Team and report submissions increased. Who doesn’t want to be featured in a NASA calendar or told they are brilliant!

Designer for InnoVector Tech, their client NC Safe Space

Task: At education events and speaking engagements people were leaving with great information but NC Safe Space wanted to remind them to donate. They also wanted an easy way for board members to ask for donations.

Solution: To help I designed a business cards size donation invitation to leave behind at speaking engagements and other events. They were also given to board members to hand out. Next we added this same design to the back side of their business cards. It was a simple and inexpensive way to get more dollar coming in for a great cause.